Loving and Serving the Campus.



At RUF we believe that God made us for relationship, both with himself and each other. Thus it is only in the context of real, deep, and meaningful relationships that true growth can happen.



All people are people in process. No one is perfect. No one has "arrived." We want to grow, to change, to be transformed more and more into who it is that God has created us to be.

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All the friendship and personal growth in the world ultimately has to go somewhere, to DO something.  In RUF we want to serve our campus, our community, and our world. The God of the Bible created us to be seekers of justice, people of peace, and participants in his kingdom.

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We want the truth, as it really is. The search for truth is what college is supposed to be all about, right? We want to know the world as it actually exits, in both its beauty and its ugliness, and to engage, study, and learn about the wonderful world God has made and is still redeeming. That means in RUF we want explore all sorts of doubts, questions, and curiosities that all of us have as we seek to know God and the world around us.



RUF does not exist for ourselves. We want others to be welcomed in, to be part of our community, and be introduced to Jesus Christ, and begin to learn along with us what it actually means to follow him.

This means that whatever background, identity, questions, doubts, or experiences you have, RUF is for you. You are welcome here. You belong.